New Student Orientation Sessions
New students are required to attend the ENTS Orientation Session. At this session, students will hear presentations about courses and degree planning. This session will also feature presentations on student services, graduate student regulations, academic integrity, and career services.
Career Services for New Students
A member of the Engineering Career Services will present at each of the ENTS Orientation Sessions. In order to utilize the online job portal, Careers4Engineers, and have your resume critiqued by a staff member, you must first attend relevant workshops. International students must attend “Job Search 101 for F1 Students” and “Resume Writing” in order to meet with a staff member. Workshops will be offered in August so that you can get started right away! It is never too early to begin understanding the job-search process. The ENTS Program Office encourages you to take advantage of these early sessions. Workshops are also offered throughout the academic year.
Course Registration
You can start planning for your first semester by referring to the Graduate Student Handbook, the typical course sequences, and course descriptions. The Schedule of Classes will show you what courses are being offered this semester. (Select ENTS for telecom classes) You will have an opportunity to meet with your Academic Advisor prior to the first week of classes to make any schedule adjustments.
The registration block for new ENTS students will be lifted in August, for those students who have expressed intent to enroll in Fall and in January for those enrolling in Spring. We will notify you via email once registration has been opened. In order to register, you will need to establish a Directory ID and password by visiting the Office of Information Technology. Then, using your Directory ID, you will be able to register online at Testudo. Detailed instructions will help guide you through using Testudo.
It is each student’s responsibility to know the graduate student registration deadlines of the Registrar’s Office. You may be financially liable if you drop a course after the first day of classes without simultaneously adding one of equal credit value.
First semester ENTS students should only register for three courses (9 credits). Graduate Students are considered full time when registered for 9 credits. Full time status and registration deadlines will be discussed in detail at your orientation session.
Academic Advising
Your academic advisor will be available the week before classes to meet with each incoming student individually. This session will be a time for you to discuss your career goals and interests, your placement exam results, and how these items affect your course plan for the Fall and your time with the ENTS Program. You will receive more information about how to schedule your advising appointment at your orientation session. It is strongly suggested that you meet with your advisor before the start of classes if possible.